pobres5.jpgOkay boys and girls! It’s time for a quiz…

The picture to the left shows us

A) How much help the people of El Salvador need in building suitable educational infrastructure.

B) How much fun learning really is.

If you answered A, you are correct. However, TLAU will also accept B as correct, in light of the width of the grin on that lad’s face.

The Centro Escolar Nuestra Señora de los Pobres is located in Zacatecoluca. In February, Walter suggested that we hand out packets of school supplies in this very poor area, which was done (pictures). But while he was there, he noticed a large group of children attending class within an environment that can be called anything but a classroom, and from what I can tell is conducive to everything except learning. Eighty-five students attend this school, pre-K through second, and many haven’t even a desk to write on.

So with your generosity, (and thanks especially to Jim and Monica Rolquin for their sizeable donation) we have bought a plot of land upon which we will build two classrooms and bathrooms with flush toilets.

And notice that our project doesn’t include purchasing the badly-needed desks…for that we need you to step in and help. All it takes is $35, less than the price of a tank of gas, and one of these kids has a clean, smooth, expansive surface upon which to write. Please help!

More photos may be found here.