100_3944.jpgIf I wasn’t traveling to El Salvador in three weeks, I could say with confidence that I’d seen everything.

I don’t care what your soft spot is, whether it’s the mannerists or the pre-Raphaelites, gothic or baroque, Michaelangelo or Raphael, you must admit: that’s one well-adorned block of concrete.  Click here or the photo to the left to see more, including a few of the artist at work.

Especially moving is the banner that sits atop the TLAU logo which reads “Nuestros Angelos tienen Nombre” which translates as “Our Angels have names.”  I’d like to join Nuestra Senora del Refugio in thanking Father Keane for all he does, not only as the most active TLAU officer, but also as a pastor of souls.

Santa Maria, Madre de Dios, ruega por nosotros, pecadores, ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte!